
The WXSIM forecast is not currently available.

Updated: @ 21/07/2022 07:42  
Summary / Temperature Wind Rain Outlook
unable to load KSJC data RC= unable to load KSJC data RC=
Currently: 66.5, Max: -, Min: - 66.5°C


Feels like: 67°C

 Calm W
0 km/h
0 Bft - Calm
Rain Today: 0 mm
Rain Rate (/hr): 0 mm
This Month: 2.25 mm
Season Total: 21.23 mm
Humidity & Barometer Almanac Moon
Humidity: %
Dew Point: 63.5°C
Barometer: 29.95 hPa
Baro Trend: Falling slowly
Sunrise: 01:00
Sunset: 01:00
Moonrise: 01:00
Moonset: 01:00
New Moon
New Moon, Moon at  days in cycle
UV Index Solar Radiation
   n/a    None
n/a W/m2
 WU Weather Forecast  - Outlook:  &

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